Friday, April 13, 2007

Allah knows best

Assalamu alaikum,

I was once searchin for some stuff online and i ran into this amazing poem which really touched me personally as it reminded me of things that i unconsciously forget ..i hope u enjoy it

Allah Knows Best

Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we're patient
Is followed by rich again

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah's way
To make our spirits strong.

Assalamu alaikum

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Baby it's all good!!

Assalamu 3alaikum wara7mato Allah wabarakatuh,

For all our sisters who keep strong infront of all the difficulties we face ..for all those who are proud of wearing the hijab
and simply believing in the power of their minds not their bodies!! I dedicate this poem to u..enjoy!!

Baby, it's all good! - A modern hijab (headscarf) poem

What do you see when you look at me
Do you see someone limited, or someone free
All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair
Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited and un-liberated
They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain 'free'

Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Describing women who are cheated on and abused
They think that I do not have opinions or voice
They think that being hooded isn't my choice
They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my husband or dad are totally outraged
All they can do is look at me in fear
And in my eye there is a tear

Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
But because people are ignoring the One up above
On the day of judgment they will be the fools
Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules
Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie
But at least I am filled with more inner beauty
See I have declined from being a guy's toy
Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy

Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind
Hooded girls are the ones really helping the Muslim cause
The role that we play definitely deserves applause
I will be recognized because I am smart and bright
And because some people are inspired by my sight
The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility
In the back of their mind they wish they were me

We have the strength to do what we think is right
Even if it means putting up a life long fight
You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt
We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt
So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated
We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated
We are the ones that are free and pure
We're free of STD's that have no cure

So when people ask you how you feel about the hood
Just sum it up by saying, 'Baby its all good'..;)

Assalamu 3alaikum wara7mato Allah wabarakatuh

Doubts, doubts and doubts!!

Assalamu alaikum warahmato Allah wabarakatuh,

Doubts..i'm sure it sounds like a weird topic but its really an important one.. i'll tell u why in a sec

i just need u to answer my question first..don't forget to think well be4 answering..and oh yeah i dont need to remind u of being honest with urself :)
There u go:

Haven't u ever had any disturbing doubts regarding everything in life??
who u are...why u r here...ur religion...ur identity.. everything

well if u didnt have any doubts then u r sure a unique person..:)
but if u r like most people and had those kinds of doubts then u sure gonna understand what im gonna say

From my personal experience when u get to this dark phase in ur life (the doubts phase) things get worse and worse everyday u cud hardly even sleep!!

and unfortunately our eastern societies aren't accustomed to accept or even try to answer any kinds of questioning regarding religious basics or even cultural basics without giving harsh judgements on u which gets things even more worse!

so whats the solution to this problem..that i rather call a disease??
the only effective cure to this problem in my opinion is to start ur own search , keep ur mind opened and always use it in a logical way , dont u ever follow those words of some ppl that say"first believe then question" cuz those words are made by people and are against the core of all creeds and religions that advise people to observe , ask , and question to reach the truth

Always seek the truth, by ur mind, ur body , ur soul
have really good intentions and a strong will to reach it and don't forget to search in reliable and authentic sources

and i'm sure u'll reach the same truth that i have reached very soon that u cud've never imagined it!!

good luck in ur search..all the best ..and may God guide u to his true path..amen

Assalamu alaikum warahmato Allah wabarakatuh